Subscription Doesn't Mean Nagging!

Just a little word on subscribing to our website. I believe there may be a feeling that if you subscribe to our website email list then you're going to be bombarded with nuisance emails. We are all experiencing this from many directions but let me reassure you, this is not what is intended by our email subscription. Not at all.

The main thing we use our email list for is to make you aware of any sales we have, and occasionally, Simply Japanese Maple news. Not everyone looks at  every social media outlet we have and that's totally ok. However, the newsletter via the subscription is the main source of information on our occasional tree sales so, kind of a big deal if you like deals! 

So, I recommend subscribing to our newsletter if you haven't already. You may only receive 3-4 emails in an entire year from us so not a big deal. But you may miss out on good deals if you aren't receiving any emails!


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