Save On 1 Gallons Before They Get Potted into 2 Gallons

Just a heads up to let everyone know that we will soon be potting the remaining 1 gallon sized containers up to 2 gallon sizes. Why is this important? Well, now's the last opportunity to get those 1 gallons, which need to be potted up, at the price of a 1 gallon, and NOT the price of the size which they about to be put into. Translation: One day the tree is $45.98 and the next day it's $79.98! Most of our 1 gallon sizes are already the equivalent of most nurseries 2 gallon offerings in terms of their physical size.

Here's a list of 1 gallons available at this time:

Inaba shidare

Germaine's Gyration


Green Elf

Atrolineare (aka Scolopendrifolium atropurpureum)SOLD OUT

WaterfallSOLD OUT

TrompenburgSOLD OUT


Aoyagi gawa



Kasagi yama


Washi-no-o (aka Eagle's Tail)SOLD OUT

Acer palmatum (green seedling) will continue to be available in 1 gallon sizes


There are some cool trees on that list and some serious classics as well. Last chance at the cheaper price. And in case you're wondering, we have grafted many trees this summer but of course those aren't ready for sale for up to two years. In the meantime, we will be placing an order with one of our suppliers in about a month's time. The expected arrival will be late fall (hopefully, like it was last year, but the management is changing hands so they may do things differently). As soon as we have the new stock we will naturally be too excited to contain ourselves and will add it all to our website inventory asap. 

After August 21 all remaining 1 gallons will be potted into 2 gallon containers.

Happy gardening Japanese maples lovers!



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