Hello Nova Scotia! You Can Grow Japanese Maples.

I am in Nova Scotia's Annapolis Valley enjoying vacation time with some family and naturally, that's right, I've left all thoughts of Japanese maples behind. Wrong! I have been unofficially surveying every nook and cranny to find Japanese maples and, have found them!

Nice work Nova Scotia, great to see these awesome trees in your gardens. Not in the abundance of say British Columbia, but definitely here. Some beautiful trees in Wolfville, including a very large 'Osakazuki' in the front of someone's house, several weeping varieties and others. Even some ginkos. In the very cute village of Annapolis Royal and Granville Beach(across the water from Annapolis Royal) there are several trees. Even some trees that are probably 20-30 years old. I know there are many more to be discovered but of course, it takes more than a little vacation to see all of this lovely province.

For those "Bluenosers" who are wondering about Japanese maples and growing them in your gardens, I can say definitively that it's entirely possible. Sheltered coastal locations, close to sea level, are going to be places very well-suited especially as it relates to the hardiness zones being warmer. I know many locations in NS are zone 6a, and 6b possibly. I've seen Japanese maples in several locations in the Annapolis Valley. Not sure however, if they would survive on the "mountain". I welcome any feedback on the subject as it relates to your experiences growing Japanese maples in Nova Scotia.

In 2025, shipping costs will be coming down. In fact, instead of paying about $100 to ship a couple 1 gallon trees to NS, it will cost something closer to $50! That is great news, Nova Scotia. I know these trees grow here, and the shipping is getting cheaper, so soon there'll be no reason for not ordering some of these amazing trees for your garden. Until then, I will be loving hanging out in your beautiful province until it's time for me to go home. 

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